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Oradell SEPAC
Parent Resources
Apps and Assistive Technologies
Common Sense Media Learning Difficulties and Special Needs Guide
ADDitude Magazine: Homework and Study Apps for Students with ADD
ADDitude Magazine: Apps that Build Social Skills
Clicker 7: Reading and Writing Software
Control Alt Achieve: Google Chrome Extensions for Struggling Students
International Dyslexia Association: Apps for Literacy Instruction
International Dyslexia Association: Practice Handwriting on the iPad
Omazing Kids: Speech Language Pathologist Recommended Apps
Social Stories Creator and Library for Pre-School, Autism and Special Needs
- 15 Assistive Technology Tools for Students with Disabilities
- Assistive Technology Platforms: What You Need to Know

* This is a list of resources that have been brought to our attention by local SEPAC parents. This list is by no means complete and is not endorsed by the Oradell SEPAC. Please note that these websites are not managed by the Oradell SEPAC and we cannot guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of information or links included within.
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